
STEAM lessons

Geometric Math Ornament
Technology: Chroma-depth glasses separate colors

Art integrated lessons can teach core content through engaging students in a variety of media and techniques.

STEAM lesson: Science of Color

cross-curricular lessons

MATH Radial Stars
Literacy Family Engagement: Two Roads paint event

Customized lesson plans can be designed to fit the curriculum. Art is a great way to teach math, science and ELA concepts.

SCIENCE lesson: dinosaur tunnel book


Cat in the Window

Painting programs can be tailored to the needs, skills, and maturity of any age level.

Paint classes make a great Family Engagement event.


Tree weaving
Hand sewing & Stitchery projects

Weaving, stitchery, and other textile programs

Math Ornament: Pinecone Owl


Colloborative painting
Colloborative Collage

Programs that have students work on a common project.

Colloborative Project using copper foil

Building Blocks of Drawing

My Shadow and Me
A visit to the Aquarium

Drawing lessons can develop individual skills and culminate in an age-appropriate final drawing project.

Vase-Face exercise

Right Side of Drawing


Middle school
Reflections of Cityscape (5th grade)

Printmaking programs can be designed for all ages.

First grade


Middle school
Second grade

Collage means “to glue”.  Programs can include designing unique specialty papers.

High school

Math & Art

Drawing by Grid
Tetrahedron Kite

Geometry, tessellations, triangle quilt block and a variety of math-related projects.


To get more information about school programs

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